History came alive on November 2, 2024, as the Ridge Route Preservation Organization (RRPO) partnered with the Ridge Route Communities Museum (RRCM) and the Model A Club of Bakersfield for a unique guided tour along the historic 1915 Old Ridge Route.

The event began at Fort Tejon State Historic Park, where participants gathered to set off in a convoy of seven antique Ford Model A cars. These vintage vehicles, dating back to the road’s heyday from 1915 to 1933, added an authentic and nostalgic touch to the day’s journey.

The tour followed a scenic route that included stops at iconic landmarks along the Old Ridge Route. Participants explored the history of Sandberg’s Summit Hotel, once a three story log cabin hotel catering to high end travelers, and Liebre Summit, the road’s highest point with sweeping views of the surrounding landscape. They also visited the Liebre Maintenance Camp, where workers lived during construction and maintained during its prime, and ended the journey at the Tumble Inn, a stone arch where cabins, a restaurant and garage once stood.

Guides from the Ridge Route Communities Museum, Kevin and Bethel, captivated attendees with tales of the road’s construction in 1915, the region’s Native American history, and the vibrant stories of early travelers and truckers. Meanwhile, Jamie and Sydney from the RRPO shared insights into the ongoing preservation efforts to restore the road and plans to protect it for future generations.

It was truly special to see these antique cars driving on the road they were built for. The connection between the vehicles, the history, and the landscape made this experience unforgettable.

The Ridge Route Preservation Organization and its partners are committed to preserving the Old Ridge Route, ensuring its historical significance and natural beauty endure. Events like this not only celebrate the past but also inspire efforts to protect the road for years to come.
For more information about the Ridge Route Preservation Organization and its upcoming events, visit our events page.
About the Ridge Route Preservation Organization
The Ridge Route Preservation Organization is dedicated to preserving, protecting, and promoting the historic 1915 Ridge Route, one of California’s most significant early highways. Through advocacy, restoration projects, and educational events, RRPO works to ensure the road’s legacy lives on.