Upcoming Volunteer Opportunity

WHEN: Saturday, December 16th. 12PM

We are looking for volunteers to help fill and distribute sandbags to an at-risk section of the Old Ridge Route. Recommended tools are a shovel and gloves. The plan is to lay sandbags to redirect the water to the nearest drainage chute.

The location is just south of Kelly’s on the closed off section. Water has washed out part of the berm and is getting dangerously close to the road. The sandbags will help redirect the water and protect the foundation of the road.

As of Thursday morning, the forecast shows rain on 12/20-12/22 and again on the 25th and 26th.

Keep in mind, we are in a remote area without access to a restroom. Please bring water as well!

Please RSVP by emailing scroasmun@ridgeroute.org

Meeting place is the dirt lot next to the Carls Jr in Gorman – 49669 Gorman Post Rd, Gorman, CA 93243

The Ridge Route Needs Your Help!

The Ridge Route Preservation Organization is looking to repair potholes in the particularly rough sections by Granite Gate and Horseshoe Bend. With intent to preserve the road and make it more accessible to the public as well as emergency services. 

In search of a person or company that has experience filling potholes, willing to advise and help with process and materials. Looking for volunteers interested in restoring the Old Ridge Route. 

Please contact scroasmun@ridgeroute.org with any inquiries or suggestions. 

If interested in volunteer opportunities, please enter your email in the form below.

Ridge Route Landslide Update

The Old Ridge Route has suffered a landslide just north of the gate in Castaic. At 0.82 miles north of the gate, about a 25ft length of the roadbed has been compromised. This is on the west side of the road and about 5-6ft deep into the road surface. 

The 2018 pavement still remains intact, though there is no foundation under it. It is not advised to drive the road, even if a gate is found open. It can be potentially dangerous as these landslides aren’t always obvious from the road surface. The weight of a car could cause collapse of the road surface, especially when the hillsides are saturated. 

If you are traveling on foot or by bike, please be aware of the road under you. If an area looks to be sinking, avoid it. Keep clear of cliffs and steep edges. 

If you are interested in road repair and clean up efforts, please subscribe to our mailing list. We will be sending out volunteer opportunities as the area dries up.