USFS Press Release for OHV Grants

This could be helpful for funds to repair the road between Liebre Maintenance Camp and the Tumble Inn. See below for details.

Angeles National Forest

Forest Service News Release

Contact: Public Affairs Officer Dana Dierkes

(626) 698-8482

Angeles National Forest Seeking Input
on OHV Grant Applications

ARCADIA, Calif., Feb. 21, 2025 — The Angeles National Forest welcomes public input to develop grant applications for State of California off-highway vehicle, also known as OHV, recreation funds.

The Angeles National Forest is developing one or more California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division Grant Program preliminary grant applications this cycle to support trail maintenance, law enforcement patrols, and/or other work in support of OHV trails there.

Public comments may be submitted for consideration by the following methods:

  • In-person event on Sunday, Feb. 23, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Rowher Flats OHV Area (Staging Area 1) or San Gabriel Canyon OHV Area
  • Email comments to with subject line “OHV Comments” by Friday, Feb. 28, at 4 p.m.
  • Hard-copy comments may be dropped off in person by Friday, Feb. 28, at 4 p.m. to the Angeles National Forest, ATTN: Mike Paniagua, Los Angeles Gateway Ranger District, 12371 N. Little Tujunga Canyon Road, San Fernando, CA 91342
  • Review preliminary grant applications online and provide feedback at from March 4 – May 5

Forest staff will use the public comments received for consideration in developing the final grant applications.

Reasonable accommodations may be requested by calling 626-698-8482.

For more information about the Angeles National Forest, visit   


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New Ridge Route Video – February 2024

In early and mid-February 2024, we went on a field survey trip over the Ridge Route to assess damage. We took a lot of videos and put together an overview of what we saw.

Come join us on our journey over the Ridge Route.

Pothole Project Approved!

The Ridge Route Preservation Organization was cleared by the Angeles National Forest to repair potholes along the north section of the Old Ridge Route from the 138 to the Tumble Inn.

The intent is to preserve the road and make it more accessible to the public as well as emergency services. Filling the potholes can reinforce crumbling sections of the road as well as prevent further damage to the original road surface.

The Ridge Route Pothole Project will begin in spring of 2024.

These improvements don’t only serve to protect the history of the Ridge Route, the repairs will also serve everyone who passes through the area. It’s a large stretch of open land that provides recreation for hikers, cyclists and hunters as well as being a heavy fire danger area. It’s important that emergency vehicles have quick and easy access when mere seconds matter.

A donation of $15 buys a 50 pound bag of asphalt cold patch.

For volunteer and donation info visit our Project website at

RRPO Updates

From Michael F Ballard – RRPO President

Greetings All!

Some good news for the road. It looks like we will be getting approval for our pothole repair project from the USFS in the very near future. As winter is approaching, we intend to do this project when weather permits, likely early next year. We are also working with the USFS on gate repair and landslide mitigation. The latter, regarding the landslide on the south end of the roadway, will take a while but we will prevail as we have in the past. More updates will be posted soon, so make sure to subscribe to our site if you haven’t already. We need your support to keep these projects going!

On another note, we will be needing a new RRPO Board Secretary. Our current secretary, Richard Schwartz, is retiring from his position and has served the RRPO well during his tenure. If you’d like to apply for this position, please contact us and we can talk. We can use your help!

Thank you all for your help and support.