Become a part of the preservation of the Old Ridge Route
Membership Levels:
Membership is a great way to support the work on the Old Ridge Route – fees go towards supplies for road work and projects in progress.
Gold Members can tag along for road surveys to get a firsthand look at the road and the work we’re doing. Surveys are done regularly by the RRPO to check on at-risk areas, plan for clean up events and take notes of any changes. Of course, there’s lots of historic information and we invite you to ask any question along the way! Anything that is included in a Silver membership is also included in a Gold membership.
Silver Members get notified about Clean Up the Ridge Route dates and Tours before the public. They have first dibs on events with limited spots.
Hope to have you along for the adventure!
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- Helping us advance our goal of preserving and protecting the Historic Ridge Route.
- Funds pay to replace the monuments on the Ridge Route.
- Tax deduction as we are a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation
- Bragging rights that you’re helping save one of California’s most historic highways.