It’s that time… we are moving forward on the Pothole Project!

Summertime dates are:
- June 8th, 8AM, Meeting at Sandbergs
- July 13th, 8AM, Meeting at Sandbergs
- July 20th, 8AM, Meeting at Sandbergs
- August 18th, 8AM, Meeting at Sandbergs

We will be filling potholes on the historic Old Ridge Route. Focusing on small to medium sized potholes that affect the original concrete road surface. In many places, the unsupported road surface is crumbing and eroding faster. This project aims to prevent that.
The Old Ridge Route is in a remote location, there are no restrooms up there. We will be working in a sunny area, finishing the work by 11AM to beat the heat. Please bring water, any snacks you may want, work gloves (cold patch can be quite messy!), work clothes that are ok to get dirty, a hat and close toed shoes. Work boots or hiking boots preferred.
Tools are optional (we bring extra) but if you’d like to bring your own, a shovel, rake, broom, or tamper are helpful! Keep in mind, we are working with cold patch and it does leave residue.
We would so much appreciate any material donated! This is what we are using:
Depending on the amount of bags brought, we are happy to comp you with a membership. Below are the amount of bags per membership:
Supporting Member – 1 bag
Silver Member – 3 bags
Gold Member – 4 bags