What is CUTRR?
We will be hosting roadway maintenance events on the Ridge Route periodically, known as Clean Up The Ridge Route or CUTRR for short. These events involve removing dirt and rocks from the roadway, clearing drains of debris, removing or cutting plants along the roadway that present hazards, and other similar work. We will need volunteers for this work! Supplies, such as picks, shovels, rakes, pruning saws, pole pruners, mattocks, clippers, wheelbarrows, brooms, and other items may also be needed.
For Amateur Radio: We will be on 146.580 (Simplex) as well for communications.
Safety of our volunteers is our number one priority so we ask that you wear appropriate work clothes and shoes. Workers under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. We work in full compliance with Angeles National Forest and have been granted permission to extend our repairs beyond that portion of the road that is closed and “off limits” to the motoring public.
Each event will have a short safety orientation and general description of what we’ll be doing. Some events may have a focus on a particular item, such as removing overburden from an old curve along the roadway or clearing drains. CUTRR events are operated under our Volunteer Service Agreement with the Angeles National Forest and must comply with their rules and regulations.
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CUTRR Event Dates
Please contact us if you’re interested in donating time, equipment, or anything else to our events.