What have we done? Why donate to us? Why join us?
The Ridge Route Preservation Organization has accomplished quite a bit so far. We can’t do it without your support. We have a lot more to do!
Here is a short list of some of those.
- Created the 501(c)3 Non-Profit Public Benefit Ridge Route Preservation Organization in January 2001.
- Placed the Historic Ridge Route onto the National Register with the help of Angeles National Forest Archaeologist Michael J. McIntyre September 25, 1997
- Established a Memorandum of Understanding (Now a Volunteer Service Agreement) with the Angeles National Forest which allowed our organization to clear minor landslides and fill pot holes.
- Reservoir Summit was the mutual agreed location where we deposited dirt cleared from the road that it created a small mountain known as “Scotty’s Mountain”.
- Initiated the CUTRR “Clean Up The Ridge Route” program that met monthly to clean out the drains on the road.
- Identified all drains on the road and marked and numbered each one with a state approved marker.
- Stepped in to complete posting Picture Placards on cement monuments provided by a non-profit organization that went out of business. Photo posted at each historic site from the Harrison I. Scott archives.
- Contacted the Federal Highway Administration in Colorado (the nearest office) and offered to fly them out at our expense to examine the major landslides on the Ridge Route from the January 2005 “one -hundred – year rain storm”. The Federal Highway Administration repaired the road working with Angeles National Forest.
- Replaced the steps at the Tumble Inn historic site that were being damaged by off road motorcyclists in cooperation with late Ranger Bob Blount.
- Former President, Harrison I. Scott brought further attention to the historic Ridge Route by doing two over the road television programs. First, a one – hour program going over the road with Huell Howser in a 1915 Model T. A one – half hour program going over the road in Jay Leno’s 1915 Franklin.
- Connected with SoCalGas to have 6 miles of potholes repaired on the north end, making travel on the open section easier for all.